Patient Experience

AcuPebble SA100 is designed to reduce the burden of sleep apnoea testing for patients

Easy to use

  • Patients simply peel off the adhesive and place AcuPebble on their neck.
  • Includes simple step-by-step instructions in the accompanying mobile app.
  • Patients do not need to be trained to use the device by a healthcare professional.
Screens showing mobile app flow

Test patients remotely

Increased number of tests conducted with the same resources.

  • The device can be sent to patients (and returned) by post, avoiding unnecessary trips.
  • Less time off work needed, reducing the associated socio-economic impact.
  • No risk of contagion, as the sensor can either be disposed of or easily disinfected.

Comfortable sleep test

A non-invasive test, allowing patients to have a more natural sleep.

  • Patients sleep in the comfort of their own bed, without being attached to any leads or wires.
  • Patients have less anxiety and fear than associated with a hospital medical test.

"It was so easy. There were no complications. Stick it on, get it started and off you go."

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You can contact our team at or using the link below.

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